vendredi 10 avril 2009


Yeeha ! I'm releasing a book with Stéphane Obadia !!! (fireworks + Space Odyssey soundtrack).

"In search of dust grains in the dictionary" is a book of lyrics by Stephane and drawings by me.
It's 68 pages of wonderful drawings and discreet to outstanding phrases. If you make music, you'll even be able to sing the texts out loud in the wind, or battle with your local MC.

We're releasing 150 copies and if you want one - you want one - you want one - you want one (hypnosis attempt) you can already buy it via Paypal (you don't need to have a paypal account). It costs 10 euros (shipping not included).


Hugs and handshakes ;)

Balac - Obadia

3 commentaires:

marie luce a dit…

marrrrioooonn je viens de voir ca!!
punaise géniallissime !!!!
j'ai plus ton numéro depuis que je suis a paris a cause de diverses et nombreuses mésaventure
trop pressée de te revoir
garde moi un livre steup
trop contente!

marie luce a dit…

je me rapelle bien d'avoir parlé de ce dessin avec toi et blanche

Moony a dit…

Waouh ! j'en veux un !